Wednesday 31 January 2018


Those times — involving strippers, hotels rooms, weapons and presidents — when agencies meant to be undercover inadvertently made public their activities

Recently, a PIL was filed alleging that there was the involvement of the British Secret Service in the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi. It was later deemed that there wasn’t substantive material to re-investigate the case. Five other cases when the Secret Service was in the news:

1 Stripped of duty

In April 2012, US Secret Service agents who were off-duty were accused of bringing strippers back to their hotel in Cartagena, Colombia. This incident allegedly occurred right before a presidential visit to the Summit of the Americas. Some of the agents had their clearances revoked while a few of the agents returned to duty and some others retired or resigned.

2 Spirit of the moment

In March 2014, scandal broke out in the Netherlands which involved the US Secret Service. Three of the Secret Service agents went drinking which ended with one agent allegedly passing out in the hotel hallway in Amsterdam on a Sunday morning. It was later reported that the three agents were part of the Counter Assault Team and have since been placed on administrative leave.

3 A shot at recovering a bullet

In November 2013, US Secret Service supervisor Ignacio Zamora was found allegedly trying to get into the room of a woman he met at a hotel bar in order to recover a bullet from his Secret Service weapon he left in her room. The woman denied him entry, he asked the hotel for access, which made the hotel report the incident to the White House. This resulted in two of the agents assigned to presidential detail, including Zamora, to be moved from their positions.

4 I spy with my little eye

Recently, former British Secret Service agent Christopher Steele was in the news for being the author of a controversial dossier that alleged that Russia was collecting compromising data on American President Donald Trump. Steele served with the MI6, which is the British Secret Service, from 1987 to 2009. It also speculated that Steele was in communication with the FBI. Steele is currently supposed to be in hiding with his family, after he was reported as the author of the dossier.

5 Leakage issues

Last year, the US Secret Service apologised for leaking private information about the Congressman who was investigating them for other scandals. The Congressman was the chairman of the House Oversight Committee and in charge of leading investigations into the Secret Service’s multiple security failures in the past few years. It was reported that over 40 agents were given disciplinary punishments after the information was leaked.

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